Top-notch Spanish <> English translation and editing across disciplines and genres.

For over a decade I have translated poetry, fiction, Op-Eds, memoirs, academic papers, art catalogs, and speeches by some of Spain and Latin America’s most important writers and public figures, including Carlos Manuel Alvarez, Tania Bruguera, Martín Caparrós, Jorge Carrión, Enrique Krauze, Rosa Montero, José María Merino, Juana Rosa Pita, Juan Villoro, Irene Vallejo, and Sergio Bitar. From 2019 to 2021 I translated 40+ articles for The New York Times Opinion Section, and was lead Spanish>English translator for OnCuba magazine. I am currently most interested in translating contemporary fiction and non-fiction literary works.

Currently seeking a publisher for

  • Hard Earth (Original title: Tierra dura, unpublished). Short story collection by Jorge Olivera Castillo (Cuba), translated by Erin Goodman.
    See: Translation of “Shots in the Dark” in Los Angeles Review, short story by Olivera Castillo (Cuba), October 2020; translations of poetry by Olivera Castillo in spoKe 5 Poetry Annual (2018).

  • Otra que no soy yo / Someone Who Isn’t Me [Working title]. Bilingual poetry collection by Eugenia Toledo-Keyser (Chile-US), translated by Erin Goodman. See: Translation of “Once Upon a Time” by Toledo-Keyser in Circumference (October 2023), and “The Objects” in Northwest Review (Summer 2021).

  • English translation of Una casa en los Catskills [Working title: A House in the Catskills] by Odette Casamayor-Cisneros (Cuba–US). Short story collection (Original publisher: Letras cubanas, 2015), translated by Erin Goodman. See: “Facebook Love Story” by Casamayor-Cisneros, and “On Translation and the Digital Connection: A Conversation between Odette Casamayor-Cisneros and Erin Goodman,” featured in Australian literary journal The Lifted Brow, March 2020. Translation of "Entre cubanos" ("Patriotic Sex") in New England Review Vol. 42 No. 1 (March 2021).

Other Recent Translations

  • Translation of two stories from Amantes y enemigos: cuentos de parejas by Rosa Montero (Spain), in Rincón de Traductores/Translators’ Corner Volume IV (Instituto Cervantes/El Observatorio at Harvard University, June 2023).

  • "The Obsidian Mirror: Literature and Archaeology in Mexico" by Juan Villoro (Mexico). Translation of 2020 Eduardo Matos Moctezuma Lecture, delivered via YouTube at Harvard University in October 2020.

  • Translation of “The Case of the Unfaithful Translator” by José María Merino (Spain), in Rincón de Traductores/Translators’ Corner Volume I (Instituto Cervantes/El Observatorio at Harvard University, September 2020).

  • La Guagua Poetry Anthology: Celebration & Confrontation (Loom Press, 2019). Translations of poetry by Luisa Fernanda Lindo (Peru), Juana Rosa Pita (Cuba), Roque Dalton (El Salvador).

  • Investing in Puerto Rico, Fomento Económico de Puerto Rico, 2016.

  • Poetry by Santiago Barcaza and Juan Cristobal Romero (Chile), in “Spotlight: Chile” at Poetry International Rotterdam, 2015.

  • MEMORY AND DEMOCRACY IN LATIN AMERICAN POETRY. Translation of all works in poetry exhibition curated by Sergio Delgado. Poems by Roque Dalton, Octavio Paz, Enrique Lihn, Luisa Fernanda Lindo, Alejandra del Río, Nuno Ramos, Augusto de Campos. Harvard University, fall 2013.

  • Unpublished. English translation of Somos Más: Crónicas del verano de 2019 [Working title: Somos Más: Chronicles of Summer 2019] about the protest movement in San Juan, Puerto Rico. By Pedro Reina Pérez, Ana Teresa Toro, and Silverio Pérez (Puerto Rico) (Original publisher: Marullo Media, 2019).

  • Unpublished. English translation of Génesis de la Pintura Negra: La obra parisina de Guido Llinás [Genesis of Black Painting: Guido Llinás in Paris] by Christoph Singler, Université de Besançon (Original publisher: Aduana Vieja, 2013).

  • Unpublished. English translation of Mercados Abiertos y Pactos Sociales: Democracia Arrinconada [Democracy Cornered: Open Markets and Social Contracts], by David Ibarra (Mexico), former Mexican minister of finance.

Nuestra misión

Descubrir la poesía en el rumor:
el batir de las alas de un zunzún
dentro del huracán.

Our Quest

To discover poetry amidst the noise:
the flapping wings of a hummingbird
inside the hurricane.

—Juana Rosa Pita (b. 1939, Havana) from The Miracle Unfolds (Song Bridge Project, 2021)